Most often, due to ignorance of your size, when purchasing a certain brand of shoes or skates, situations arise with the wrong size. At the moment, shopping in online stores is becoming more and more frequent, and in order to avoid incidents with the wrong size, we ask for your size in cm. Each brand of skates has its own sizing chart, in order to do everything accurately, we also include small instructions for measuring your feet .
- Take a sheet of A4 paper, place your foot on it (should be with a toe) and draw a pencil around the perimeter of your foot. You will get a drawing like this.
- Draw two parallel straight lines at the beginning and end of the foot (toes and heel area).
- Measure the distance between the lines with a ruler.
- Determine your size according to the FR Skates size chart (each model has its own grid).
For example, your foot length is 28 cm – this corresponds to size 44.